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Mia Arrowsmith

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You may have seen that we run a free Facebook group called the High Achiever Wellness + Mindset What you may not have realised, is we host a complementary live or drop a video at 12.15pm every Wednesday. We call this our Bite Size High Achiever and you are invited for: activity, burnout, confidence, energy, goals, mindset, nutrition, stress management, meditation, mindset, overwhelm, perfectionism, procrastination, routines, self sabotage, time management, wellness, work/life balance ..and a dumper truck more! It’s totally free to join if you’re a entrepreneur, business owner or leader, but spaces are limited so use the link below to secure your space. To attend the Bite Size High Achiever, email [email protected] AND Join the free High Achiever Wellness + Mindset Facebook group, use the link below: https://www.facebook.com/groups/highachieverlifecoaching

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