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Michael Putscher's Linkedin Analytics

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Michael Putscher

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As the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at NAVISWISS, I lead the global sales and marketing strategy for a pioneering medical device company that offers innovative enabling technology solutions for orthopedic surgery. With over 25 years of experience in medical implantable devices, tissue regenerative solutions and digital assistive technologies, I have a proven track record of finding and seizing new opportunities, developing and validating value propositions, creating and implementing winning go-to-market plans. I am a results-oriented professional with a knack for driving business growth. With a proven track record across diverse medical device arenas, I excel at finding innovative solutions that make a real impact. As a strategic leader, I've guided organizations to profitability and expansion in domestic and international markets for over 25 years. My market insights have allowed me to identify emerging opportunities and craft winning strategies that deliver exceptional results. I have a talent for inspiring high-performing teams to achieve greatness. By fostering collaboration and empowering individuals, I've cultivated innovative teams and organizations that surpass expectations. I'm skilled at building strong relationships with clients, stakeholders, and industry leaders. Through effective communication and networking, I've secured key partnerships that propel organizations forward. My passion for continuous learning keeps me at the cutting edge of industry trends and emerging technologies. This allows me to seize new opportunities and drive transformative change. With an impressive portfolio of milestones, I'm confident in my ability to make a significant impact. Let's connect and explore how we can embark on an exciting journey.

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