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Michael Wiles

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Many challenges can interfere with certification passing rates and threaten accreditation. Test anxiety shouldn’t be one of them! There is immense pressure on the administration of post-secondary institutions, certification programs, and school districts to maintain high passing rates while fostering an environment where students can thrive. At My2tor, we've witnessed firsthand how test anxiety can hinder academic progress. Our mission is to revolutionize test strategies, unlocking students' true potential and elevating institutions standing. We understand that test-taking is not just about the subject matter; it's also about mindset and strategy. Our comprehensive solution goes beyond traditional approaches, targeting these often-overlooked factors to ensure students perform at their best. Over 16 years ago, my wife Tina created a tutoring program unlike any other. As an engineer, she deconstructed the testing process and uncovered strategies that make a difference with challenging standardized testing. 99.99% of her students were able to improve their test scores. And over the years, I have watched how her groundbreaking proprietary framework provides a comprehensive solution that targets anxiety and stress and successfully transforms lives and institutions. Recently a post-secondary school came to My2tor when they were in jeopardy of losing their accreditation. Our current test-taking strategies were proven to benefit the educational institution. Their passing rates improved from 8% to a remarkable 79% in one year. Proving the framework developed to help students taking the SATs worked for institutions opens the doors to exciting developments for school districts, post-secondary schools, vocational schools, and certification programs. I am pleased to join my wife in bringing awareness to the availability of this unique approach to education. Because I believe in Tina’s mission and family is so important to me, I naturally joined her as Director of Sales at My2tor, utilizing over 40 years of extensive sales and customer service experience. We are committed to supporting institutions and programs like yours, ensuring your students' academic success becomes your pride. On a personal note, my passion is rock music, which I have transformed into another family endeavor. My son Jeremy and I have created a podcast, Retro Rock Roundup. You will find various topics, including music analysis, interviews, and stories of legendary bands and iconic performances. Let's create a positive educational change together. Reach me at [email protected].

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