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Michael Carrico

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No-nonsense SEO strategies for growth-focused companies. If you're a business stakeholder whose doesn't accept coming in second place, then we should talk because I don't believe in settling for anything less. I'm looking for companies who are prepped for significant success on the digital front that are in need of a SEM growth partner. Sound like you? Let's chat, booking link found above ^ About Me: I’m Michael Carrico. I’m the sole owner and lead SEO consultant at CarricoSEO, a subsidiary of KTB Digital Media LLC. Thank you for stopping by! My story starts in the US Army, where I served as an Intelligence Analyst for 11 years. Those years taught me a lot about hard work, attention to detail, and planning ahead. After the army, I attended Lindenwood University where I pursued the music business world. After graduating, I was lucky enough to land some really amazing gigs where I was managed the operations of large concerts and events, making sure everything ran smoothly. But then came the COVID pandemic. With the world at a stand still (and especially the live event industry), I spent my time learning new skills. This is when I discovered a passion that turned my life upside down. Search Engine Optimization. I was so drawn to it and knew I needed to change careers in order to pursue this passion. And so I did! I left the music industry behind and went full steam ahead to a marketing agency in St. Louis, MO. After some time, I was lucky enough to even lead a team of SEO experts. And now, I’m out on my own, helping businesses grow online with CarricoSEO. I live in St. Charles, MO, a town right outside of St. Louis, but I grew up in the very small town: Willisburg, Kentucky. I miss my parents quiet country cabin but how I love the buzz of the city. When I’m not working, you might find me hiking, camping, gaming, boxing, kickboxing, or reading with my wife: Emily Carrico, Ed.D. What makes me different? I believe in doing things right and providing the best SEO services out there. I want to be one of the top SEO experts, and I’m on my way there. I’ve helped many clients grow their businesses, and I’m proud of the work I do. I don’t just want to be another SEO “Expert”; I want to be a partner who really helps businesses succeed. I work hard for my clients and expect them to be just as excited about growing their business. You can find me and CarricoSEO on many more platforms to include: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq01x-ogm1DmYcrwhiSxYbA Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarricoSEO Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/carricoseo

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