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Michael Ferree's Linkedin Analytics

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Michael Ferree

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Michael Ferree has spent over a decade in the performance marketing industry as both a buyer and a generator of Internet leads. He is well respected in the lead generation industry for his leadership on the LeadsCouncil (now the Consumer Consent Council), writings and presentations on the topic of lead management, call center services, online marketing, and more recently for the creation of the Lead Generation World conference. Michael has a passion for seeing companies and individuals gain success within the lead generation industry through education and networking. As a continuation of this passion, he also launched LGW Jobs which helps connect companies looking to hire lead generation professionals with individuals that have the highly sought-after performance marketing skills they are looking for. Michael is the host of the Lead Generation World Podcast where he speaks with leaders across the performance marketing industry. He has a deep passion for helping companies succeed within the lead generation and performance marketing industry. He is also a 6x Ironman, qualifier for the 70.3 World Championship, avid runner, surfer, and lover of the coean.

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