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Michael Tyrimos's Linkedin Analytics

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Michael Tyrimos

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Michael is the Founder and Managing Director of Capacitor Partners, a technology consulting and product management sourcing company. He is an active investor in companies such as Kodika.io (a low code apps platform) and Ergodotisi.com (a leading employment platform), and the co-founder of the NGO Cypriot Enterprise Link / Hack Cyprus. In the past he served as the head of strategy at Digital Tree group, CEO of the e-commerce companies ergodotisi and Deliveryman, and co-founder of Tribal X (former e-logistics platform) in Silicon Valley. He also served on the Board of the international cosmetics company, Neoderma and as a Fellow of The Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. He is a graduate of King’s College London, Cambridge University and Oxford University. His focus is on SaaS, e-commerce and API-as-a-Service oriented startups. In his free time he hosts and presents the Future Talks show, where he interviews startup founders, investors, and policy makers in tech and innovation.

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