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Miguel C.

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17+ Years of Expertise: Building front-end web applications for 17+ years, and 7 years in full-stack development, with a focus on JavaScript and exposure to languages such as Python, Go, and Ruby on Rails. Crafting Complex Solutions: Specializing in delivering modern, scalable, and responsive web and mobile applications well ahead of deadlines, including extensive experience in building highly scalable frontend, backend, mobile/hybrid, and cloud software/architecture. Modern Framework Proficiency: - 7+ years experience with JS frameworks: Vue, React, AngularJS, and Express. - 7+ years working with SQL and NoSQL databases. - 4 years of hands-on experience with GCP and AWS cloud architecture. - Technical Skill Set: - Highly experienced in big-data visualizations, JavaScript performance optimizations, GraphQL, and CI/CD. - Proficient in Agile/Scrum methodologies for efficient development processes. Community Contributions: - YouTube creator for 5 years, teaching fellow engineers how to utilize software tools, fostering community collaboration and knowledge sharing. My journey is fueled by relentless curiosity, a tireless pursuit of excellence, and a passion for staying ahead of technology trends. Collaboration and innovation are my guiding principles, and I'm committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the digital realm. Join me on this journey of empowerment and innovation as we shape the future of technology together.

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