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Mike Krass's Linkedin Analytics

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Mike Krass

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Mike Krass - all around nice guy - here. I am the Owner/Visionary of MKG Marketing, a digital marketing agency that works with cybersecurity & software businesses. Over the last 12 years, I have grown MKG Marketing into a multimillion dollar business by championing a “people first” philosophy that promotes a strong work-life integration while systematically holding employees as well as clients accountable. In addition to my work at MKG Marketing, I help software and cybersecurity businesses turn their marketing departments into sales opportunity generating machines in 90 days or less as a fractional CMO. In addition to the two roles mentioned above, I am member of the global Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO) and take time to mentor businesses leaders locally as well as internationally. The ways in which I can help you, my LinkedIn connections, include... ➡️ You want to see how MKG would approach your brand without committing your whole advertising budget upfront. ➡️ You are an owner or senior leader of a software or cybersecurity business that feels stuck in the mud in terms of growing to the next level. What got you here, won't get you there... ➡️ You're a total #AvGeek and want to talk about General Aviation, send me a Connection Request so we can nerd out about the 1981 Cessna 182 that I fly :) Here are a few examples of businesses I have helped over the years. ✅ Increased SEO traffic and web conversion by 19% year-over-year, a six and four-figure improvement on both metrics. - Informatica ✅ 46% year/year increase in traffic from Organic Search (7 digit difference) - NETGEAR ✅ Increased pipeline value, driven from PPC by 74% Year-over-Year, a $1.7 million increase. - ExtraHop Networks Message me to start a conversation: [email protected]

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