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Milan G.

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Hi Everyone, I'm Milan Goswami, a highly experienced PR Specialist and digital marketer with 2 years of hands-on experience, previously I worked as a contractual PR & Media Consultant & Strategy Maker at CHART-PRIME, BEATS-BEARS, KING-DOM OF PANDARIA, Aqua Army-NFT, Oxmusic, Chain-Railz and many more. Presently, I work with THE JOURNAL-WIRE as a Business Development Manager (BDM). Our company believes in a Data-driven approach when it comes to PR services. Our teams at THE JOURNAL-WIRE are dedicated to research, and analysis to spot the growing trends in the media world. With our effective thought leadership, we help our clients maximize the quality and quantity of media coverage. For your PR success, we use Science and Art equally, we also don’t forget to measure your impact which leads to business growth. THE JOURNAL-WIRE combines genuine insights and the art of storytelling to cater to your success. 🌟 Our Specialties - πŸ‘‰ PR Services πŸ“’ πŸ‘‰ Content Creation πŸ‘‰ White Hat SEO services πŸ‘‰ Press Release πŸ‘‰ Youtube Marketing If you have more inquiries about your business reputation or how to make your brand credible? Then, you can feel free to contact us by email or let us know through telegram(the quickest way). πŸ‘‰ Telegram - @milan_TheJournalWire πŸ‘‰ Email - [email protected]

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