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Miles D. Rusth

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Miles D. Rusth of Summit Mortgage Corporation has two decades of experience in the home residential lending industry. Miles sees well beyond the immediate future, and constantly strives to stay ahead of the game. He prides himself on maintaining the highest level of customer service by assembling one of the strongest teams in the industry to assist you with any of your mortgage needs. As a top ranked producer, Miles has funded over 3200 loans throughout his career. He uses his vast knowledge and experience to help you with not only the easy loans, but the most challenging ones as well. Visit MilesDRusthHomeLoans.com for more information. ________________________________________ The views expressed here are my personal views and do not reflect the views of my employer. Miles D. Rusth Home Loans is a division of Summit Mortgage Corporation. Miles D. Rusth is licensed to originate mortgage loans in OR/WA/CA. Summit Mortgage Corporation NMLS 3236 is a Portland-based direct lender licensed in Oregon, Washington, and California. http://go-summit.com/ Compliance Information: OR ML-1391 / CA 603A124 / WA 520-CL-52599 / NMLS 3236. Licensed in CA by the California Department of Business Oversight under the Residential Mortgage Act. Equal Housing Lender. Comments may be directed to: [email protected].

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