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Muhammad Minhas Asif

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Hello there, πŸ‘‹ I am Muhammad Minhas Asif πŸ‘‘ I’ve been a UX designer since before it was called that (7,955 days to be exact) I live, breathe, and Design Products, Saas Applications, Websites, Mobile Apps & Web Apps for Enterprise businesses and start-ups. I have been solving complex User and Business problems by delivering super easy user experiences since 2018. It's been 4+ years since I am helping companies make experiences their customers love by collaborating closely with cross-functional teams and partnering with other teams in Engineering, Research, and more to take ideas from concept to launch to growth. I follow a lean, iterative approach to design centered around Empathy, Constant Learning, and creativity, consisting of end-to-end visual design, prototyping, testing, and measuring the success of products and design systems. Simplicity, clarity, and consistency remain my core design goals. To that end, I believe in the use of design systems and pattern libraries to create clear logic and a solid UX. I'm an expert in πŸ‘‡ **UI/UX | Graphic Designs** βœ… UX/UI Designs βœ… UI/UX Prototyping βœ… UI Graphics βœ… UX Designs βœ… UX Research βœ… UX Writing βœ… Web UI βœ… Web UI Design βœ… Mobile UI Design βœ… Landing Page UI Design βœ… ClickFunnel Landing page designs βœ… Responsive UI Design βœ… Marketing Ads Design βœ… Advertising βœ… Branding βœ… Presentation design βœ… Social media campaigns βœ… Sales/business initiatives βœ… Complete UI designs, βœ… Wireframe, βœ… Interactive and micro interactive from adobe XD === Other Experience === βœ… WordPress Website Designs βœ… Elementor βœ… WordPress UI Design βœ… PSD to WordPress Using Elementor Page Builder βœ… ACF (Advance Custom Fields) βœ… ClickFunnel Landing page designs πŸ‘‡ Tools that I have Experienced in: βœ… Adobe Experience Design (XD) βœ… Adobe Photoshop βœ… Figma βœ… Adobe Illustrator βœ… Adobe Aftereffects βœ… Adobe Dimension (For Product Designs) βœ… Adobe InDesign ❀ Feel free to ask questions. πŸ‘‹ Regards!

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