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Miquele Smith, MBA's Linkedin Analytics

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Miquele Smith, MBA

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As a Division Marketing Manager at Tenet Healthcare, I apply my 10+ years of experience and MBA in Marketing to develop and execute innovative growth strategies for the healthcare industry. I lead the marketing department that oversees print and digital ad campaigns, online impressions, and brand awareness. Additionally, I have spearheaded our Salesforce rollout to over 20+ internal users I also leverage my certifications in Marketing Channel Benefits, Agile Organization, and Strategic Partnerships to manage and nurture profitable relationships with 125+ international and domestic partners and resellers. I collaborate with cross-functional teams to optimize processes, enhance business functions, and drive efficiency using Salesforce and other tools. I have tripled the organic followers on social media platforms, increased the patient conversion rates by 35%, and co-created and managed the partner training program that resulted in 40% higher engagement and reseller sales. My goal is to deliver value and satisfaction to partners and customers and to contribute to the mission and vision of an organization.

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