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Miroslav Milošević

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You are making a medical device? great!l And thank you on behalf of the patients! But you wonder how to get it to the market? First - how to make people know about it? Market development for medical devices might be more challenging than product development, even in this highly regulated industry. Sales and Marketing costs might consume up to 70% of your budget. But it doesn't have to be the case with you. I can help you by making this aspect of your business cost-effective, yet still sound. At Bulbitech, I was involved in various business development and sales activities, such as cold emailing, prospecting via LinkedIn, sourcing partners, and pitching products to potential customers, inside and on trade shows and conferences. I also assisted with quality assurance, logistics, event planning, and internal coordination. In addition, I have a master's degree in project management and skills in technical and web content writing and B2B copywriting. I am passionate about creating and contributing value, not just pitching products, and I strive to convert ideas and solutions into customer happiness.

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