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Misho Zghuladze's Linkedin Analytics

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Misho Zghuladze

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🌱 A Ο€-Shaped Growth Marketer specializing in performance and product marketing. ● System-oriented thinking over goal-oriented thinking; ● Growth loops over top-down growth; ● Experimental mindset over prescriptive mindset. πŸš€ Co-founded Kernel in 2019. Starting in Georgia we've grown to over 70,000 users in over 60 countries. We're killing it in Georgia and the Philippines, and India is showing some serious growth. We empower the growth of small businesses in the Global South by building intuitive financial management tools for business owners with little financial and tech literacy. And I write a lot. Most notably for Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines here in Georgia. 🟣 Three Facts About Me: 🎀 George Carlin is my spirit animal; 🐍 I handle snakes as a hobby and own one myself; βš” I'm a self-proclaimed loremaster of the World of Warcraft universe.

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