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Ketan Mistry

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Since I was a child I have always loved technology, and how it can make lives easier, and this has driven my career journey to date. For the last 7+ years I have been working as a Sales Engineer, aka Pre-sales Consultant or Solutions Consultant. I love working with customers, understanding problems and providing a solution that simplifies complex issues. As a Pre-sales Consultant I’m in the fortunate position to be the trusted advisor and subject matter expert helping some of the most forward-thinking enterprises on Clari's Connected Revenue Operations Platform. We provide value from the C-Level Exec & Board all the way to the BDR. Clari’s Connected Revenue platform helps B2B organisations increase win rates, shorten sales cycles and improve forecast accuracy by using AI and automation to create full-funnel accountability across go-to-market teams including Sales, Marketing and Customer Success. Customers including Zoom, Okta, Dropbox and Adobe say that Clari creates a common conversation across their organisations and drives drive sales efficiency and forecast accuracy #RevOps. Clari ranks #1 on G2Crowd in the world for Sales Operations When I’m not working, you’ll find me on the football pitch feel so free to reach out if you want to talk about technology, data, business or football! Areas of expertise: SaaS, Technology, Revenue operations, Sales Operations, Data, Sales, Business Development, Sales Engineering, Enterprise Technology, AI.

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