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Mitya Eichhorn

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Background UI/UX designer based in Berlin. I studied visual communication in Düsseldorf and have gained hands-on design experience from around the globe – including San Francisco, Boston, Hamburg, Osaka, London, and Zürich. Experience Over the past several years, I've worked in diverse markets, ranging from airlines and fashion to fintech. I've explored various areas of interaction design, contributing to start-ups building B2C mobile apps and companies seeking intricate backstage solutions. During this period, I've developed design systems from scratch, constructed customer journeys, organized product workflows, and conducted numerous prototypes and interviews to assess user perceptions. Philosophy & Interests I'm passionate about the problem-solving aspect of my job. I constantly seek the perfect balance between user perception, emotion, and technology. To enhance my skills, I continuously delve into areas like visual psychology, gamification, and various project organization methodologies.

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