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Michael Luirette

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I love SEO and I am passionate about helping companies build better websites for their visitors - and that is what real SEO is all about! It's not about "tricking" search engines into thinking your site is better, it's about actually making better websites for actual people. More specifically: People who use search engines, which is practically everyone. SEO has become a mashup of many different disciplines from AI to UX, and it’s not only alive and well but growing in importance with the advancement of technology and the constant evolution of Search. Google, Bing, and the other major engines are desperately trying to out-perform each other and take share in a wave of innovation, and with the help of my SEO expertise you can ride that wave as well. Born and raised in San Pedro, CA (Port of Los Angeles - a major shipping hub) and a graduate of CSULB with a degree in Economics, I have always been fascinated by the global economy, international trade, manufacturing, entrepreneurism, business, and of course the Internet. Being self-employed for 10 years during and after college, I was deeply involved in the early years of e-commerce and the emergence of modern search engines. SEO was a natural extension of being a business owner, and later becoming a full-time SEO for a small real estate website marketing company in Anaheim, CA greatly helped to sharpen my skillset. eventually leading to my first big corporate position at Hilton as Global SEO Manager & Head of Technical SEO Strategy. Post-pandemic shakeup, I've had the opportunity to explore other exciting roles with companies such as Xe.com and LoanDepot where I've gained additional experience in different verticals. Today I am with AARP helping to establish and grow newsletter readership for specialized content. So far I've helped popular new sites like theethel.com TRIPLE their organic traffic in just 9 months - and I'm not done yet! SEO is both my career and my passion, and I love it.

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