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Mohamed Hussien, PhD

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With a comprehensive background in the life sciences industry, I bring a robust emphasis on both clinical research and business development. I possess knowledge of regulatory requirements and compliance within the Pharmaceutical and MedTech sectors. My professional journey includes success as an account manager, innovation manager, and Medical Scientific Liaison. My skill set encompasses proficiency in medical writing, data analysis, business development, client relationship management, and delivering scientific and clinical content to healthcare professionals (HCPs) and external stakeholders. In leadership roles, I drive Commercial and Clinical functions with strategic vision, adept stakeholder management, and effective risk mitigation. I have gained valuable expertise in budget preparation, CRM implementation, and contract negotiations with external providers. Hold a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, specialized in neuroscience and rare diseases. As a former Pharmacologist and Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, I bring a rich academic and practical background to my professional endeavors.

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