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Moty Jacob

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Moty Jacob is an innovative and benchmark-setting Information Security expert with over 25 years of consistent success. He brings a unique fusion of technical expertise combined with a business and executive management focused mindset and is commanding the Information Security and assurance space with his inspiring approach to Information Security Governance, Risk & Compliance. Moty has served startups, Fortune 500 firms, and national governments in driving major high-value IT security initiatives delivering a broad range of solutions protecting customers and their critical infrastructure. He is a long-time Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with a Security Clearance and several industry certifications, including ISO27K , Checkpoint's CCSE, PCI-DSS AUDITOR, CCNP, Certified Ethical Hacker, and many others. Moty is co-founder of SURF Security, a provider of a chromium-based zero-trust web browser that creates a secure endpoint environment for both BYOPC and managed devices. As users, contractors, suppliers, staff, and devices, we have been relying on traditional web browsers like Chrome and Safari to keep our businesses flowing. However, these browsers were not designed to manage the modern digital workforce and architectures we have today. They may serve as the gateway to many cloud-based applications,SAAS, activity, and storage, but they are easy to exploit. SURF Security addresses this issue by providing an enforced end-to-end zero-trust environment that is based on identity-first protocols. The Zero Trust browser from SURF Security functions and feels like any Chromium-based browser, but its controls ensure that it is the only way to access, share and engage with corporate applications and data. Moty's deep knowledge and expertise in security products, firewalls, cryptographic communication products, VPN, intrusion detection and prevention, vulnerability search, anti-malware products, PKI solutions, honeypots, network protocols concerning all layers and technologies, and common low and high-level internet protocols allow him to manage and oversee the development of major IT security initiatives with ease. He is experienced in building and managing SOC security operation servers, including creating CERT services.

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