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Michael Ato Brookman-Aikins

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Greetings, I'm your seasoned creative, endlessly captivated by the alchemy of human strategy and design. I’m a veteran navigator of the dynamic landscape of brand building and product vision, driven by a relentless passion for inciting positive change. I’m fascinated by the kaleidoscope of ideas that spring from the human mind, each one unique in its own right, and how they contribute to the grand mosaic of creativity that fuels our world. Having cut my teeth in the fast-paced world of tech, the adrenaline rush of ideation and conceptualization isn't just what I do, it's where I thrive. As a seasoned traveler, my creativity is fueled by the cultural symphony of our diverse planet. Each new adventure, every chance encounter, each shift in perspective offers an opportunity to conceive the exceptional. Being a firm believer in data-driven strategies, I peer through the lens of analytics to envision solutions that are as strategic as they are aesthetically pleasing. I'm all about bagging quick wins, but I never lose sight of the long game - it's about striking a delicate balance for a continuous growth trajectory. From agile tech start-ups to international brands, I've been the design maverick in the room, helping businesses evolve through innovative and strategic brand and product design. A leader at heart, I'm not afraid to delve into the unknown, perpetually expanding my own horizons while fostering growth in those around me. Areas i specialise in? Design / Product: Creativity in Brand Direction Design Direction / Creative Direction Head Design Business Development Management and Growth / Leading Business and Development

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