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Meqa Smith

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You're a visionary leader but you head isn't in the clouds. You're not an either or type, you're a both and person.You know you can't turn vision into reality without healthy profits and a winning team. The thing is, hiring the right people is like trying to smell the number nine. Finding someone who really cares about your business, your goal, your clients ... who you can actually trust to do things needs to be done the right way, even if you're not there, feels like you're literally trying to find a unicorn 🦄. And ... recruiters fees are on par with a decent overseas trip, but DIY is like sifting through a haystack for a needle. Then if you do find someone who seems like a fit, getting them to perform and stay is a full-time job. Even if you have a great team now, hiring again is always a tough call. ----------------- Sound familiar? Why is this?! Thank Frederick Taylor. He got away with telling porkies so successfully that the MBA was born and since the late 1800's everything we do to attract and manage 'talent' has been based on his principles. Erm, lies. Yup, true story. So it's no wonder the traditional approach doesn't get you the results you want! I worked in corporate HR for some big names for almost a decade and I didn't know that back then. Now I've spent almost 15 years working with SMEs and startups on positioning, brand strategy, CX and recruitment. In 2017, inspired by my soul-sucking personal experiences trying to get a job and my clients' nightmare stories about recruiters, I created a cocktail of marketing and recruitment with a big splash of psychology to build V1.0 of my own recruitment methodology. Insp-hiring™. My mission is to equip leaders like you with the insights and tools you need to hire great people who love their jobs and build teams that create a ton of leverage so you can leave a legacy you're proud of. How can I help? 1. Create your 1-Page Hiring Plan - everything you need to DIY hiring so you cut through the noise and activate the full potential in your existing team and all new hires. 2. Design your Insp-hiring OS - the talent framework that will optimise your existing team and turn talent attraction into your superpower so you can 10 x your ROI on talent. 3. Find your perfect Co-Pilot - someone who has the strengths you don't, believes in your vision and can take over the day-to-day so you can work on the big picture (titles like Operations Manager, General Manager or COO).

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