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🦅 Michel Strukov's Linkedin Analytics

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🦅 Michel Strukov

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If you're a busy company founder in the sales/marketing industry, you probably: 1. Hate writing LinkedIn posts 2. Have no time to write LinkedIn posts 3. Have no idea what to post on LinkedIn 4. Don't understand how to use LinkedIn well 5. Don't see the ROI when posting on LinkedIn You might be all 5. You might just be 1. Why does this matter? Well LinkedIn is the place to be for your company's growth right now. And there's still less than 5% of users creating content on LinkedIn. Which means standing out will never be easier than it is right now. Don't believe me? Here's 5 things company founders have said LinkedIn helps them do: 1. To attract clients and talent 2. To stand out from competition 3. To create awareness for brand and self 4. To get invited to speak at industry-popular events 5. To create awareness so customers know where to find them Just posting and knowing how to convert ldoes all 5 of these and more. But you don't have time for that... You're too busy doing other stuff like, I don't know, running your company... So what happens now? I'll ghostwrite LinkedIn posts for you. I generated over 3,500,000 views on LinkedIn in 2022 and over 200 leads and enquiries for my own business. And in the last 4 years I helped generate over 2,000,000 views, 20,000 new followers and over 6 figures of revenue for clients' personal brands. That's how powerful LinkedIn is when your posts are written well and when you know how to convert a like into a client. And no, I don't mean: - Posting photos of your events - No context selfies - And doing cringy cold outreach I mean posting ACTUALLY valuable content. Written by an experienced copywriter. Who leverages human emotion, proven frameworks and your customers pains/problems to get real results. And then converting all those views and likes into sales calls in 4 DM messages or less. So, your decision is this: A - Do you want to sit and do nothing and wait for your competition to figure LinkedIn out? or B - Do you want to sit and do nothing while I give you a voice, get you leads and grow your brand awareness on LinkedIn? Take your time - let me know which one it is. A or B. If you decide B - DM me ‘Toblerone’ and let’s do this. [email protected] +41 79 269 17 97

Check out 🦅 Michel Strukov's verified LinkedIn stats (last 30 days)

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