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Mudassar R.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Mudassar R.

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Hello, my name is Mudassar Rana. Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant. My mission is to help entrepreneurs grow their digital presence and cement their brands through eye-catching graphic design and strategic social media management. I am not afraid to tell you that your expectations will be exceeded and that you will be satisfied with the result. I have designed social media posts and compiled numerous reels for clients outside of LinkedIn. These are the following industries I have worked in: Beauty | Fashion | Traveling | Sales coaching | I use Canva, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator for design, and Flimora 12 and Cap Cut for video editing. Here is my service: 1. Graphic design ✅ Social media posts ✅ Ad Creative for product/advertising campaigns ✅ brand identity 2. Social media management ✅ Social Media content calendar ✅ Attractive captions ✅ Scheduling and booking ✅ Management and maintenance 3. Organic marketing ✅ Increase followers ✅ Hashtag research ✅ Social media strategy ✅ Engagement ✅ Analysis report Thank you for viewing my profile! Feel free to browse my portfolio and past work. I'm looking forward to helping your brand reach its goals. thank you very much!

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