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Bachelors in Mechatronics Engineering from Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST). Have great experience in, - Embedded Coding (Arduino, NodeMCU, Raspi) - Complex Code Integrations - CNC Coding and Operations (G-CODE, MACH3, Milling, PCB) - EasyEDA (Circuit/PCB Design) - FlatCAM (G-CODE) - Laser Cutting Operations (RDWorks ,CAM) - Building custom kits, curriculum design for K-12 students (STEM), conducting sessions, project assigning. Other skills such as, - Proteus (Circuit Design) - Python Programming (VS, PyCharm) - Scratch Coding (EDScratch) - MATLAB (Simulink) - Drone Building (Mission Planner)
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