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Hey! I am Muskan and I do many things because most of you even I am just figuring out and doing everything that challenges me on a daily basis! You can call me a software engineer, YouTuber, content creator, content writer, etc. I love to create content and talk to new people, which I can do via my channel! I am also a free lancer in the growth and management of your social media and have 3 clients currently. I love to guide people and mentor them so that even they can fulfill their dream of getting into a big tech company. My learnings From all the 4 internships I did and personal projects help me guide others and mainly tell them the mistakes I did so that they don't repeat the same! I am currently growing my social media as well and have a good amount of knowledge on how to strategies your content to grow it faster. I can help you take your business to next level and see results! so contact me if you want a social media marketing strategy, a web developer, or a content creator (written or video) and I will be happy to help in all possible ways!
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