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Mussa Yussuf K.

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Mr. Mussa, well determined individual pasionate & eager to learn new skills. His motivation gave him courage to acquire skills that will change and prepapre for the future generation. He likes to engage in multi cultural environment that involves new room of social and professional discussion. Currently, he is research fellow at Southwest University-China and his interests also deal with designing and synthesizing of anticancer inhibitors, degrader, allosteric inhibitors and PROTAC compounds to enhance anticancer activities by using different techniques such as multistep synthesis, chromatography, extraction, and computational studies such as chemdraw, NMR, molecular docking, etc. His instrumental skills are including (UP)LCMS, HPLC, FT-IR spectrometer, UV/VS spectrometer, CGMS, Advanced Electrochemistry meter, multiparameter photometer with COD, Refractometer etc. Moreover, he is young entrepreneur and influencer to multi national young talent. His volunteers only to share opportunities and doesn't depend/contradict with any organization/ institute. ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mussa-Yussuf-Khamis?ev=hdr_xprf&_sg=IHVb0snGDU3dcyeCqe2Iuv2v4ox4PrIF2z02GMLCNoIPAeCrsr3eOJcDXkxYABlQr_rdB2KMroGxJaqOw_zRiVAE

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