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Nabeela Moollagee's Linkedin Analytics

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With over nine years of experience in business and systems analysis, I am a Senior Business Analyst at Entelect, a leading software engineering and solutions company in South Africa. I work with clients from various industries, such as retail, banking, and insurance, to understand their business needs, define requirements, and design solutions that deliver value and impact. I use agile and design thinking methodologies to facilitate collaboration, innovation, and user-centricity in my projects. I also leverage my skills in databases and data analysis to provide insights and recommendations that support decision making and problem solving. As a Senior Business Analyst, I am passionate about creating products and services that improve the lives of people and the performance of organizations. I am always eager to learn new tools and techniques, and to share my knowledge and experience with my colleagues and stakeholders. I am looking for opportunities to work with teams that share my vision and values, and that challenge me to grow and excel as a professional.

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