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Nagarajan P.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Nagarajan P.

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I am an Enterprise Architect at Value Health Inc., a leading provider of value-based healthcare solutions. With over 20 years of experience in the IT and services industry, I have extensive knowledge and skills in Salesforce platforms, project management, and agile methodologies. I hold several certifications, including CSM, CSPO, PMP, MBA, and Salesforce Application and System Architect, Revenue Cloud, CPQ, and Billing. I am also passionate about learning new technologies and working on virtual and augmented reality projects. I have developed and published multiple Alexa Skills that test project managers' knowledge in preparing for PMP certification. As a mentor and a community leader, I share my insights and expertise with the Salesforce Trailblazer community and help aspiring architects achieve their goals. I believe in the power of education to change lives and spread a culture of learning.

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