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Narayanan Prasath's Linkedin Analytics

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Narayanan Prasath

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I am a seasoned Full-Stack Digital Marketer with a proven track record in driving customer acquisition and revenue growth through innovative marketing strategies. My journey in Growth Marketing is marked by significant contributions at Demand Local, where I strategically led growth marketing initiatives, and at Reduxio Systems, where I was instrumental in building the growth engine from the ground up. At Demand Local, my focus has been on profitable customer acquisition, implementing dynamic paid media strategies, and nurturing high-value accounts through Account-Based Marketing (ABM). My approach has consistently driven sales and marketing alignment, leading to a substantial increase in conversions and revenue growth. 📊 At Reduxio Systems, I was integral to the marketing team's foundation, driving significant growth. My expertise in crafting digital campaigns led to a 4.5X increase in conversion rates and the generation of high-quality leads. These efforts were central to the company's growth 🚀, markedly reducing cost per lead and substantially enhancing revenue. My expertise spans paid social, ABM, content marketing, SEM, and SEO. Driven by a passion 💡 for creative problem-solving, I consistently aim to deliver beyond expectations. I'm dedicated and hardworking, I approach each project with an ownership mindset, inspiring teams with a friendly and engaging attitude. My focus is on creating impactful marketing narratives that resonate, leveraging data and innovation for real results. 🌲 Feel free to reach out for a conversation about the possibilities ahead. Platforms: I'm Proficient with platforms like Hubspot, Salesforce, Google Analytics, Meta Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Zapier, Seamless.AI to name the most commonly used, and a suite of performance marketing tools. Wellfound: https://wellfound.com/u/narayan-prasath Braintrust: https://app.usebraintrust.com/talent/395462/ Contra: https://on.contra.com/9Tc7PW

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