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Naren Ganjoo

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My Background: I studied Computer Science and started my career as a Technology Consultant. For close to 5 years, I designed & developed a variety of complex standalone and web applications for a number of SME's. I have 20+ years of experience in the Executive Search and recruitment industry and have serviced a diverse set of clients from large enterprise businesses to early stage start-ups across the United States, Europe and Asia Pacific. I've been in Singapore for the last 15+ years focusing primarily on senior appointments including C-suite executive engagements. I work closely with senior C-suite executives as their trusted talent adviser. My team of specialist consultants are experienced in recruiting top tier professionals in the following functions across permanent, contract and interim roles. - Executive Leadership (CEO, COO, CTO, CDO, CMO & MD Levels) - Sales - Pre-Sales - Enterprise & Solution Architecture - Software Engineering - Product Management, UI/UX - Big Data, AI/ML& Analytics - Cyber Security, IT GRC, R&D, DevSecOps - DevOps & Cloud - Core Infrastructure - Project & Program Managers - Business & Change Managers

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