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Natalie Alsop's Linkedin Analytics

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Natalie Alsop

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🔵 CONTENT BLUEPRINT [DONE FOR YOU] Our Foundation Workshop is the quickest and most cost effective way to create a personalised ‘Content Blueprint’ to enable SME's to work with any company who provides professional services for your business. During a 3 hour 1:1 workshop we will profile your SME business in detail. Together we will take a step back to look at your business foundations, who your perfect customer is, the importance of your back story and core messaging. This enables us to create your ‘Content Blueprint’ which details all of these areas and ensures that you can confidently work with any digital professional without reinventing the wheel each and every time. The output is a tangible document that is quick and easy to refer to and can be put into action immediately. 🔵 KEYWORD / COMPETITOR RESEARCH AND RECOMMENDATIONS [DONE FOR YOU] Our follow-on, in-depth keyword and competitor research service allows us to use your Content Blueprint immediately. This enables us to properly plan your website around the right data, blending it with your target market and weaving in the right message. Because the blueprint answers all the questions we would need for this piece of work it is the quickest way for us to do the research and provide our recommendations for the best website structure and keywords to embed into searchable copy. Then we can go onto write this searchable copy and design and build an SEO ready website to launch ready to promote. 🔵 TRANSFORMATION IN A DAY [DONE FOR YOU] Book myself and my team for a day to achieve your website and content goals. Transformation in a Day allows us to provide a streamlined service where we agree the goal upfront and plan and gather all of the assets needed. This is the quickest, most cost effective way to make changes to your brand, website and content using a team of professionals who will hit the ground running.

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