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Natasha C.

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With a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from The George Washington University, I have a passion for understanding human behavior and motivations, which I apply to my sales career in the software industry. I have worked as an Enterprise Account Executive (Growth Specialist) at HubSpot, where I helped customers grow their businesses with HubSpot's powerful and innovative solutions. I have a proven track record of exceeding sales quotas, delivering exceptional customer service, and building long-term relationships with senior managers and C-suite stakeholders. At my previous role at Mend, a Telehealth platform, I was the #1 sales performer for four consecutive quarters, achieving over 100% of my targets and closing the third largest deal in the company's history. I also hold the record for the quickest new-hire sale, which I accomplished in just eight weeks. I have earned multiple certifications from HubSpot Academy, as well as the President's Club award from Pfizer, where I started my sales journey in the medical field. I thrive on collaborating with cross-functional teams, such as BDRs, customer success, and marketing, to create and execute effective sales strategies that go beyond the transaction. I also leverage my skills in inbound sales, SaaS sales, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator to generate leads, nurture prospects, and close deals with a genuine touch. I am always eager to learn from case studies and market trends, and to adapt to the changing needs and expectations of customers. My goal is to find a role where I can make a meaningful impact with my skills, values, and choices.

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