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Nathan Smits

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Hey there, my name is Nathan Smits. Sales was not what I expected to do after college. Instead, I started my career as a coach, personal trainer, and gym manager. It was there that I discovered how crucial it is to build strong relationships with clients. From there, I transitioned into logistics where I worked in sales and account management. I realized that I had a passion for helping businesses thrive, and that's what I've been doing ever since. The tech startup world fascinated me, and I eagerly took a position in Chicago where I had the privilege of working for two industry-leading companies. I traveled the country and had the opportunity to speak with people from various industries, which allowed me to grow and learn in ways I never thought possible. Today, I am grateful to be part of the Instawork team where I can use my skills and experience to help businesses nationwide find top talent and operate smoothly. The fast-paced nature of the industry keeps me on my toes, and I am always learning and growing. I am thrilled to see what the future holds. If you're seeking a sales professional who is dedicated, hardworking, and committed to building lasting relationships, please don't hesitate to connect!

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