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Neil Templeman

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With over 15 years’ experience navigating the highs and lows of sales, I am driven by the thrill of it: turning around an account, opening up a new market, or driving exponential account growth is a strong motivator. Mostly, however, I am driven by being able to solve a customer’s problem, creating mutual success out of challenges and building lasting connections. Possessing deep experience in telecommunications and technology sales leadership, I offer particular strengths in new market entry, strategic account development and team leadership. In my current role Senior Director, Sales ANZ, I have led the greenfield sales start-up of the company’s APAC region, personally delivering the global organisation’s largest account and growing regional contribution to top-line global revenue to 25%. The type of person who remains entirely focused on the person I’m speaking with, I take the time to build sincere connections and make people my priority. By meeting my commitments and being sure to deliver value in all interactions, I promote transparency and openness in business, building authentic connections that provide me with both the chance to understand and address customer pain points. As a leader, I believe many skills can be built, and focus on surrounding myself with high-energy, intelligent people who fit within the culture and have innate leadership competencies. By leading by example, I’m able to set the pace and bring people along with my vision, and have demonstrated successes building high-performing sales teams. If you’d like to get in touch, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or send through an invitation to connect.

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