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Nicholas Foster

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I am an executive career coach who specialises in helping aspiring executives get promoted. “Personally, the year has been a huge success, ending with a promotion that I had been targeting. The feedback from management as part of the promotion process highlighted my leadership skills which were the key areas on which Nick, and I worked" - Tom Wallis Previously, I was an executive at Credit Suisse and UBS where I’ve led global teams of over 300 people and managed project/programme portfolios of $40m. I enable my clients to get promoted by using my experience from: 1. Failing to get promoted, changing strategies and then getting my executive promotion. 2. Being a global executive promotion evaluator and promotion committee member at Credit Suisse. 3. Coaching/mentoring my colleagues, direct reports and clients to get promoted. 4. Lessons learnt from being an executive, consultant and coach. 5. Professional coach training. Here are 3 ways I can help: 1. Follow me for bite-size insights on executive promotion, performance and balance (🔔) 2. I'm always happy to help a connection, so DM me with the leadership challenge you are facing. 3. Schedule a call to discuss how I can help you get promoted - DM me to arrange.

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