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Niccole Vogel, M.Ed.

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I have been in education for 10+ years – split between teaching CTE Computer Applications at the middle school level and teaching various grades and subjects at the elementary school level, including K-5 Computer Technology. I have also virtually taught English as a Second Language, foundational reading/math skills, and technology/computer science classes. I have previously written elementary STEM and elementary coding curricula for Pitsco Education. I also worked part-time at my local public library running computer technology, coding, and drone programs for children and young adults. After a year and a half at McGraw Hill as a Proposal Specialist covering K-12 science and health, my latest education field adventure is working at Curriculum Associates as a Proposal Writer. When I’m not working, I love spending time with my husband and our two dogs, enjoying a book and a good cup of coffee, and visiting family and friends.

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