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Are you interested in investing in Real Estate In Canada but don't know where to start? Or Are you always busy with your 9-5 and have no time to invest in real estate? If this is you I've got good news for you: Rent-to-own is one of the easiest ways to get started with investing in Caanda as a passive partner. With some mortgage capacity and downpayment (20%) you will help make the dreams of homeownership for a family a reality while making a projected return of 17+% per annum. If you wish to invest in apartment buildings across Canada as a passive partner while making a cash-on-cash return of about 4% per annum and a projected ROI of 15%+ Who am I? I am Uchenna Nicholas Opara, a Child of God, Real Estate Investor & Motivational Speaker. I currently invest through 2 strategies in Canada; namely Rent - To-Own & Multifamily/apartment buildings Real Estate Investing is all about people and doing things to make their lives better, so whether you're looking to invest with me or getting into homeownership I am your guy. 🏔 Fun fact: Apart from speaking on stages or investing in real estate I love Adventures, like Sky diving, Bungee Jumping, Mud water rafting, etc, I love doing things that challenge me. If you're looking to positively impact people's lives through real estate investing while making a great return on your investment? Or Looking to book me for a speaking event to come inspire and motivate your audience? -> I am just a DM away - Let's make a difference together. --->Sic Parvis Magna<---

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