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Nicholas Finch

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Hi! Thanks for checking out my LinkedIn. Continue reading to learn more about me ⬇️ I'm a seasoned software engineer with over 5 years of experience specializing in Object-Oriented Programming using C# and .NET. I excel at crafting user-centric, visually appealing applications that prioritize an exceptional user experience. My approach involves close collaboration with users, incorporating feedback through methods like user testing and interviews. I'm a creative problem solver who thrives in agile environments, eager to contribute my technical expertise and user-centered mindset to your next project. Let's connect and explore how I can enhance your team. Software Engineer, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), C# and .NET, Enterprise-Level Applications, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, User-Centered Design, User Experience (UX), User Testing, User Interviews, Research Methods, Data-Driven Decisions, Creative Problem Solving, Agile Environment, Collaboration, Technical Skills, Positive User Experience, Design and Development, Value Addition

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