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Nicky Costa

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I am a business person who specialises in People. I am proudly sector agnostic. My in-house career spanned manufacturing, media, digital, financial services and consumer goods - with customers and client bases around the world. As a consultant and interim manager, I help identify and tackle specific issues/opportunities, allowing you and others in your team time and space to focus on success. I work alongside you and your team to simplify the complex, expose and surpass organisational and cultural limitations, deliver key changes, and drive the conversation and focus of the business to the issues that will really make a difference. I help you take everyone on that journey, and have pride and trust in the brand and the purpose. My experience includes companies of varying sizes and stages of maturity and sophistication in terms of people practice. I have delivered across the range of ownership arrangements, from listed through to Private Equity, and Third Sector. I have contributed at a senior level to business transformation and major corporate transactions including M&A, domestic and international business relocation and divestment. I have designed and delivered relevant and impactful frameworks and interventions spanning the employee lifecycle - whether it’s a performance management system, sales incentive plan, talent management programme, EVP, or DEI framework - directly supporting business goals and strategy. I’m a ‘glass half full’ person and am not deterred by obstacles or problems. Supporting and actioning difficult business decisions is an inevitable part of the remit; I bring candid challenge to the people agenda, and am passionate that fairness and respect underpins everything. I have trained as an Executive Coach, and work with a limited portfolio of external clients, which complements my ‘day job’ knowledge and further helped me to help support and guide senior managers and directors. My curiosity and interest in business, organisations and people drives me. Working alongside talented teams and helping them move forward is hugely satisfying.

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