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Hi there! I’m the guy who started TurboDocx after spending way too many hours on documents and presentations. Whether it was a Statement of Work, a Managed Service Agreement, or some complex Cloud Design, what should’ve been a quick job always turned into a days-long ordeal, full of painful errors. Ever been in that awkward spot where you've used the same template for different clients and then left in a competitor's name by mistake? Yeah, that was me – more times than I’d like to admit. It wasn't just about being quick; it was about being accurate and keeping trust with our clients. This is why I built TurboDocx. I wanted to ditch the endless ‘copy-paste’ game, turn my Content into digital Lego bricks, and let AI take over. The goal? Get those docs and slide decks done in seconds, not days. No more repetitive stuff, no more embarrassing mistakes. Just smart, quick, and reliable documents. When I’m not geeking out over AI and document automation, you’ll find me talking about investments (and how I think 401ks are the modern scam for millennials and zoomers), drooling over fast cars, and exploring the real estate world. Want to know how to make your document workflow fly? Or just fancy a chat about the latest sports car or property trends? Hit me up – let’s connect!

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