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Profile picture of Nicolau Goncalves de Jesus Junior

Nicolau Goncalves de Jesus Junior

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From an early age, my obsessions were clear: food, science, and technology. Little did I know that these passions would converge later in life to shape my career. Growing up in the countryside of Brazil, I was immersed in the rich culinary and farming culture of my region. Early memories include witnessing my mother raising and processing chickens, transforming them into culinary delights. Truly learning to respect and never waste food. Upon arriving in the UK, I embarked on a culinary career spanning over 20 years, blending experiences from Michelin Star venues with high-volume restaurants. Alongside my practical learning, I pursued a Bachelor's degree in Food Science from LSBU. A significant pivot occurred when I joined Deliveroo as one of their pioneering Development Chefs, shaping the culinary landscape from concept to successful operations. This role allowed me to synthesize my culinary expertise with data-driven insights, transforming ideas into thriving food brands. This journey ultimately culminated in the creation of my startup, E-Vittles. Here, we cultivate the future of food brands by leveraging data and research analysis, working with experts in semiotics and marketing for branding, developing revenue-optimized menus and recipes, and bringing these brands to life through operations, expansion, and continuous refinement. My career reflects a lifelong passion for culinary innovation, a fusion of culture and creativity, and an unwavering commitment to crafting exceptional culinary experiences.

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