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Nicole Crowell's Linkedin Analytics

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Nicole Crowell

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My top priority is to provide value and assistance to others, I am passionate about helping people improve and succeed in all aspects of life. 💯 Owner of Performance Purple. Previous Co-Owner of HG Performance Creative. Media Buyer & Creative Strategist with $100MM+ in adspend across Meta, Google & TikTok. I specialize in helping marketers design and implement creative strategies that align with their advertising goals. My expertise lies in constructing systems and frameworks for creative strategy. I help support the development and execution of DTC paid social marketing goals. More commonly known as a "Performance Creative Strategist" for paid social. By combining my knowledge of consumer behavioralism, media buying, and marketing trends with my passion for creativity, I am able to help brands tell their unique stories and connect with their audience in meaningful ways. Whether you're looking to refresh your marketing approach or simply need guidance on how to best communicate your brand's message, I am here to help you achieve your goals. In addition to my regular work, I also support marketers by serving as a Lead Community Strategist for GeekOut Event's online community called "GeekHub." In this role, I help marketers gain access to exclusive knowledge & connections with other marketing experts.

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