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My mission is to change the story around caregiving and celebrate the journey. I help parents regain control of their lives so they can find the pieces of them they lost when they became caregivers. I help each parent recognize their worth and their true gifts. WHY? Because at my baby girl’s 12-month check up, I was delivered news that changed my life. Summer was delayed and would require intensive therapy to walk, use her hands, and speak. I would find out later she's autistic and has a rare genetic disease. In and out of doctor’s appointments, my personality changed. I became sarcastic, passive aggressive, and felt lost and unhappy. I told myself I couldn't improve my life because my daughter’s intellectual disability wouldn’t change. So, I held my head high and suppressed my emotions. Then one day, I had a panic attack at work and was carried out of the office on a stretcher. My body forced me to see I was not okay. I was stressed, overwhelmed and impatient. I knew my kids deserved a better version of me. As did I. That set off a 7-year journey towards emotional healing and self-care that got me to where I am today. Here, sharing my lessons learned so that fellow parent caregivers can skip over the years of trial and error and the struggle that I went through so they can regain control of their life and experience joy. Inner work is hard. Autism and disability parents are doing a great job caring for their child, but they know deep down they’re not taking care of themselves. There is no shame in needing support and accountability to achieve self-care. Experience is my teacher and I love sharing the tools and strategies that have helped me regain control of my life by finding the pieces of me that I lost when I became a caregiver. SERVICES Coaching: My Caregiver Transformation Program is a 9-month journey that moves caregivers from exhaustion, stress, and overwhelm to a place of peace, self-awareness, and inner happiness. Speaking: I create customized keynotes to inspire people to prioritize self-care to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Writing: I use humour, personal stories and practical advice on how to overcome obstacles and excuses preventing caregivers from prioritizing their needs. Get in touch: [email protected] 👋🏻👩🏼 website: https://www.nicoledauz.com/work-with-me

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