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Nigel Clayton

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Business Coach and Mentor Need a coach who won't sugarcoat reality? Nigel isn’t the coach you want, he is the coach you need. Nigel Clayton isn’t afraid to ask the hard questions. He's a Business Coach and Mentor that will consistently kick your comfort zone to the curb and help you build the business and the life that you want. ARE YOU 1 IN MILLIONS! Are you another brown buffalo in the brown buffalo herd. OR… By being your positive, powerful, authentic self… YOU stand out as The White Buffalo! 1 in Millions! Come and learn a unique framework that will help keep you on track to creating what you really want instead of being tempted to conform and become part of the Matrix!  https://www.meetup.com/Ultrapreneur-Success-Groups/ Be YOU, and Be 1 in Millions! You don’t want to follow the latest fad or be trained and kept accountable to a one size fits all linear process that will ensure you will remain a follower. You will not be able to lead your business to the success YOU want by following others. You want to create the business that’s important to you. Not what’s Usual and Ordinary. Isn’t that what you are trying to get away from! Don’t you really want the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, and how you want to do it? So you can live the life you really want! Nigel is an MCC (Master Certified Coach) through the ICF (International Coaching Federation) which is the most advanced professional coaching credential in the world. Nigel combines his experience, education, and real life experiences of being an entrepreneur for over 30 years to achieve those shifts with his clients. He won’t tell you what to do but he will ask you those questions that have to be answered so you can be the leader that creates the life YOU want to live! Specialties: Entrepreneur, Speaker, Business Coach, Business Mentor, MCC(Master Certified Coach) certified by International Coaching Federation (ICF). www.UltrapreneurSuccess.com https://www.meetup.com/Ultrapreneur-Success-Groups/ [email protected] 303-570-3031

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