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Nik Gupta

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With 21+ years of experience, Nik is a successful, commercially astute senior executive who has held pivotal CPTO/CTO roles, architecting transformative journeys for industry giants such as Amazon and Citi Group. His commercial focus has led to the successful delivery of multi-million-pound ventures, spearheading digital modernization initiatives, and integrating cutting-edge technologies, including GenAI. Proficient in translating business and commercial goals into product capabilities and executing them with robust technology engineering and program management, Nik has consistently delivered results, propelling organizational growth. With a track record of reporting directly to C-level executives in direct and matrixed organisations, Nik possesses exceptional stakeholder management skills, effortlessly articulating deeply technical concepts to executives from non-technology backgrounds. Adept at navigating complex organizational landscapes and fostering operational excellence, he brings a unique blend of strategic vision, commercial acumen, and stakeholder engagement. Nik has demonstrated his ability to set up business lines and teams from scratch in offshore locations. He has successfully established, scaled, and managed vendor and third-party supplier relationships while leading cross-functional and geographically distributed teams of up to 400 people across various functional expertise, including Product, UI, UX (research and development), program management, core engineering, Data Engineering, Analytics, AI (and GenAI), and ML.

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