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Nikhil Patil's Linkedin Analytics

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Nikhil Patil

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➤ Overall 2.5+ Years of experience as Python Developer including Django Framework. ➤ Strong knowledge in working with MVT architecture. ➤ Experience in Django ORM. ➤ Strong understanding in OOPs concepts. ➤ Good Knowledge of database like PostgreSQL. ➤ Have Basic Knowledge of Postman in API Testing. ➤ Experience of Distributed Version Control System such as GIT. ➤ Good understanding of front- end technology such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. ➤ Basic Knowledge of Regex. ➤ Implemented Agile Methodology Process in the project. ➤ Very well aware about the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). ➤ Participation in scrum meeting, sprint Planning & weekly review meetings. ➤ Worked independently as well as in team. ➤ Worked on Amazon Web Services (AWS) instances.

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