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Nilesh Kumar

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With over 18 years of experience in leading and delivering technical integration projects across diverse technology platforms, I am a Senior SAP Technical Architect and Manager at Deloitte, one of the largest professional services firms in the world. My mission is to guide and enable customers with their SAP digital transformation journey, leveraging best practices and standards for optimal performance and business outcomes. As a multi-facet platform-agnostic integration expert and an API and micro-services evangelist, I have extensive experience in architecting and implementing strategy roadmaps for ESB and EDI, enterprise integration architecture and SOA, and business process modeling and optimization. I also have strong skills in on-premises and cloud-based integration platforms, such as SAP PI/PO, SAP CPI, Dell Boomi, MuleSoft, and Microsoft Azure Integration Services. Additionally, I have a proven track record of managing and supporting globally distributed teams, delivering best-in-class services using transparent data-driven metrics, and partnering with business and key stakeholders to align with the long-term business strategy and vision.

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