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Nilesh Kulkarni

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Technology leader with extensive experience in building scalable and performant applications. Open source Enthusiast. Specialties: Languages: Java, jQuery/JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, Perl Tools and Frameworks: Selenium/WebDriver, JUnit/TestNG, Cucumber, Spring, Jackson Mocking frameworks: Mockito, WireMock Dependency Injection: Spring, Guice Automation: UI (Web or Desktop Applications), Localized UI, web services (REST and SOAP) and Databases Version Control: Git, CVS, Subversion (SVN) Bug Tracking: Jira, Rally, IBM Clear Quest (CQ), Quality Center Database: MongoDB, MS-SQL, MS-Access OS: Linux, Solaris, UNIX and Windows Methodologies: Test Driven Development (TDD), Agile, Six Sigma Advocate Stackoverflow Profile: http://stackoverflow.com/users/503804/nilesh

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