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Nils Lataillade's Linkedin Analytics

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Nils Lataillade

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I consolidated my entrepreneurial mindset with 10 years of experiences in consulting, operations and logistics, business development and marketing in startups as well as major groups, in France and abroad. I'm result oriented and have developed strong analytical as well as people and operations management skills. I'm familiar with work under pressure in fast growing companies environments, and I involve the best of myself and my teams to hit the targets. Startup founder, then in charge of some Rocket Internet's businesses in Africa and helping Meero scaling worldwide, I've known various situations of startups lifecycle, from day-to-day operation to crisis management, from austerity to hypergrowth... I have built teams up to 200 people and processes accordingly to the exponential growth of the companies, managed P&L, performance monitoring and implementation of dashboards, reporting to shareholders, created and developed ventures across France, India, China, Japan, USA and Africa. I'm driven by value creation and taking part of efforts in order to rock the world.

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