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Nimisha Chanda

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"Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room." -Jeff Bezos What do you think when you hear the name, "Nimisha Chanda?" 🤔 Well, I am a freelance content writer and LinkedIn personal branding specialist having a keen interest in Marketing, Storytelling, and Search Engine Optimization😌 I have had a knack for writing since my school days, following which I decided to take up writing as my profession. I have a working proficiency in Search Engine Optimisation and 3 years of experience in content writing and SEO✨ I have been creating content on LinkedIn since the last 8 months and have seen tremendous growth in my professional journey via this platform 📝 Wait. Do you want the same for your profile?🤔 Nimisha can help you💫 I can provide you with the following services👇 📍Article writing 📍Social Media Captions 📍Content Strategy for your profile/business 📍LinkedIn profile optimisation 📍Twitter threads 📍Content Creation on LinkedIn You could often find me sitting in the lap of nature with a cup of tea, a piece of paper and my mandala kit, drawing some creative works of mandala art. I often post about content writing, digital marketing, personal branding, SEO, freelancing, and some personal stories ✍️ Want help taking your business to the next level by leveraging your content?🤔 Let's connect and build a great team together. DM me now 📥

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